Welcome Writers and Folks Who Might Have Something Interesting to Say!
Take ten minutes, write 200 words, and win some money, and network with folks like yourself from around the world.
In this internet event the entrence fee is $5 and the event winner gets 60% of the pot and can excercise the right to place his or her piece on our website and social media.
To continue and play:
1. Click Buy
2. Follow to the registration page (or login page if already a member.)
3. Click join now.
4. Register.
5. Finish the buying process.
6. Follow the instructions on the welcome page
7. Have fun, and meet folks.
To Make The Pot Grow and Get Your Entrance Fee Back:
BlueJean Time Dollar Places (Which this is) Pay 10% per $hare purchase. 10 players and your $5 dollars back. Get more if you bring more.
1. Go back to the store, find this place, and click the $hare Button
2. Link it to Facebook or Twitter or email the reference link to your friends.
3. If they join you get that 50 cents back.
Feel Free to Replicate this process on your own for whatever you want!
With the Dollar Place you can set up a service for no upfront costs, for whatever (currently yearly) price that you want. As the owner you make 60% of the revenue, BlueJean Time gets 30%, and all Sharers get 10%. Use this until you can afford that nifty website that might cost you a bundle. Unlike some other services, we do not own your content, simply use us until you no longer feel it is necessary or helpful and move on.